“So we are awkward, when we are taking pictures.” “Yeah, we just kinda freeze and force a smile.” These were the two sentences that followed our hellos when I arrived at Founders Hall at Athens State on Saturday. My response, “Yeah, everyone always says that. No worries.” And once again, I was right. (The world will one day learn that I am always right.) Josh and Katy were absolutely perfect.
Josh and Katy are two of my most chill clients that I have ever had. They both just kinda go with the flow. (which if you are a photographer, you know how nice that is.) We even started out our session with just a brief walk around campus to find that perfect light. Once, we found that perfect light, I began my normal spiel about the things I say during a session that cannot be held against me, because I will do anything for a reaction (if you have had a session with me, you know EXACTLY what I am talking about) and began explaining my process. After I snapped the first couple of captures, I immediately knew that this session would be a breeze. Katy and Josh found their groove pretty quickly and I soon stopped instructing other than placement and prompts. They laughed when I needed them to laugh. They gave perfect “model faces” for those serious images. They, even, did the hip check prompt when I asked! (see below)
Katy and Josh, thank you so much for spending your time with me on a perfect day and for making my job so incredibly easy! I am so excited to be the one capturing your beautiful spring day at Ardmore Station. I am counting down the days until we “don’t do serious faces” again!!!
Hello Model!!!!
Hip Check ^^^^^^^^^^^